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Nov 25, 2017

Another special SATURDAY EXTRA PLUS BONUS PLUS episode!
We are all born to die. There is no greater meaning to to life. Have you seen Justice League yet?
Runtime: 02:14:07
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Nov 23, 2017

Too bad the guys have begun the process of giving away TMP just as they make revolutionary podcasting advancements like the Tommy Blacha Soundboard.
Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Nov 21, 2017

Will does a very subtle bit that doesn’t make Chad and/or Tommy laugh. Then the guys discuss the currency of podcasting, but not really because that’s not a thing.
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Nov 16, 2017

After Tuesday’s sloppy and anticlimactic bombshell of an episode, barely detailing their plans to give the podcast away, the guys open the Skype line to their beloved Diamond Listeners. Will, Chad, and Tommy happily take questions about what will ultimately be The Diamonding’s final stage.
Runtime: 00:40:27

Nov 14, 2017

Will, Chad, and Tommy reveal the true meaning of The Diamonding and what it will mean for their beloved Ten Minute Podcast.
Subscribe, rate, and review on iTunes and be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.